A work of art? In some ways. In reality a few of the many gloves stacked floor to ceiling in the delightful, tiny Mieli glove store in central Rome.
Just off Piazza San Silvestro, this shop is a regular stop for me. I need leather gloves to ride on the scooter, and they get rather worn after a season of that use. So I head back every Spring to Mieli to buy a new pair, and pick a new color. Last year dark green; this year vibrant purple.
In the same family hands since the 1920s, the store features dozens of photos of luminaries, some with notes to the owners. |
The store is easy to miss, because it literally takes up about 15' square (5 m sq) of floor space.
Gloves of every style are on sale: lined with cashmere, lined with silk, unlined, fingers closed, fingers open, dappled leather, smooth leather, short, long. The only requirements? Leather and gloves (guanti) and "made in Italy."
You'll see Josephine Baker, Gregory Peck and Gina Lollobrigida, Enrico Caruso, on what little wall space remains.
The affable salesclerk told me about the family's long-time ownership. An older woman came in while we were talking and sat in the one chair. At the time, I didn't have the guts to engage her in a conversation, but I should have. She's a current owner.
The prices are reasonable. My rather long (protect those hands and wrists!) purple unlined leather gloves were about 40 Euros ($44 today).
And not too far from Orologeria Senzacqua, where I get leather watch bands.
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